The greatest long-term strategic threat to U.S.-Israeli relations is U.S. dependence on Mideast oil. A new national security policy demands an end to that dependence. For too long, America has lost its voice when talking about the policies and practices of some governments in the Persian Gulf. If we are serious about energy independence, then we can finally be serious about confronting the role of Saudi Arabia in financing and providing ideological backing for Islamic fundamentalist jihadists. This is a problem that this administration has ignored — and one that must be addressed.
I have a plan for energy independence from Mideast oil in the next 10 years. I will invest in the research and exploration needed to develop renewable energy sources. I will take the lead in developing the new technology and production methods needed to ensure that resources such as coal and natural gas are used more efficiently and cleanly, and fully integrated into the new energy economy. I want an America that relies on its own ingenuity and innovation and not the Saudi royal family.
As president, I will use bold diplomacy to get governments to recognize the growing crisis of resurgent anti-Semitism, and take action to deal with it — not hide it. Silence will never prevail — either abroad or at home. As president, I will support the creation of an office within the State Department dedicated to combating anti-Semitism, as well as adding reporting on acts of anti-Semitism around the world to the State Department's annual human rights reporting.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Kerry Writes in the Forward
An Unwavering Commitment To Reforming the Middle East
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My name is Hadar Susskind and I am an Israeli-American, a former Israeli infantry soldier, and an advocate for Israel. I don’t work for a campaign, a political party, or any political group. I’m speaking only in my own voice, and only because of my love for both of my countries, America and Israel.
This is the first time I’ve ever sat down to write to people about an election or a candidate and I’m only doing it now because I truly believe that the decision we are faced with on November 2nd is one that will shape our future for generations to come.
Those of you who know me know that I am a person who is deeply committed to Israel, to the welfare of the Jewish people, and to upholding the Jewish ethic of striving for justice and righteousness in our lives and in the world around us. I am also supporting John Kerry for President.
John Kerry has a twenty-year history of working to support Israel. In fact, AIPAC has given him a perfect 100% score on Israel related votes. Even more important than his voting record is his personal commitment to Israel. He has traveled to Israel nearly a dozen times (throughout his long career of public service) and he made the most of those trips. He flew in an F-16 with Israeli pilots in order to see the Middle East from the air and get a better understanding of the security challenges that Israelis live with every day. He visited army bases and went to hospitals to speak directly with victims of terror. John Kerry understands the real effects of conflict and war in a way that comes only from experiencing them firsthand.
Over the years John Kerry has also worked closely with the Jewish community on legislation concerning Israel’s security (and an array of other community concerns) and he has built real personal relationships with Jewish leaders here in the U.S. and in Israel. There is no question in my mind that an America led by John Kerry will always be there for Israel.
There are two equally important things that I believe the President of the Unites States must do in order to truly be considered a friend of Israel. The first is supporting Israel in their efforts to defend themselves. John Kerry has always stood firmly with Israel and defended the necessary actions that they taken to ensure the safety and security of their citizens. He has always supported American military and financial aid to Israel, even in the face of Republican efforts to reduce both.
The second one, and this is where the Bush Administration has completely and totally failed, is that they must be committed to trying to move toward peace in the region. It is an incredibly difficult task with no easy answers. I don’t believe that you can have peace right now. I don’t think that the current leadership in the region is ready. I do think that it is essential to keep making every possible effort to move in that direction. President Bush claims that he supports Israel, yet he has withdrawn the U.S. from involvement is the one issue on which Israel’s future rests, an eventual peace with the Palestinians and peace in the Middle East.
I spent nearly three years of my life wearing the uniform of an Israeli soldier, and many years since then working for Israel and for the Jewish community. I believe that the single most important thing that we can do for America and for Israel is to cast a vote for John Kerry. Please share this email with anyone and everyone you know who cares about Israel and cares about America.
Hadar Susskind
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