From Kerry Campaign Statement:
"The fact that George Bush thinks it's appropriate to use images of Adolf Hitler in his campaign raises serious questions about his fitness to spend another four years in the White House. Adolf Hitler slaughtered millions of innocent people and has no place in a campaign that is supposed to be about the future and hope of this nation. The President's use of these images during a month that evoked the memory of World War II is remarkably insensitive to the sacrifices of the millions of people who lost their lives during Hitler's reign of terror.
"The Bush Campaign should immediately remove these hateful images from its website and apologize for using them. The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong."
And via email:
Yesterday, the Bush-Cheney campaign, losing any last sense of decency, placed a disgusting ad called "The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party" as the main feature on its website. Bizarrely, and without explanation, the ad places Adolf Hitler among those faces.
The Bush-Cheney campaign must pull this ad off of its website. The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong.
If he were a real leader, George Bush would be talking about his first-term accomplishments -- and his second-term vision for America. But he has cast aside that opportunity because he has nothing to offer except a string of broken promises and a steady stream of fear and deception.
NYTimes: Hitler Reappears in '04 Campaign, This Time in Bush Ad
UPDATE: A TTC commenter asks: "where the hell was kerry when used their images?"
Besides the fact that they removed it right away, I think that maybe the President of the United States should be held to a higher standard of decency than an independent web-site.
ALSO: Mobius' Redux of the Hitler Issue & The Newsweek article on the controversies.
1 comment:
hey sorry not to have seen any posts for awhile.
please post a link to these articles, both about why jews should not vote for bush:
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